

Who is a Candidate for Beverly Hills Hymen Restoration?

Women who wish to repair or restore the hymen and are generally healthy are usually good candidates for this procedure. For many women, the hymen tears during her first experience having intercourse, causing bleeding. However, the hymen can also tear or become damaged while playing sports, riding a bike, inserting a tampon, or other activities. Regardless, hymenoplasty restoration is available for women who place social or cultural significance on having an intact hymen before marriage. Other patients may choose the procedure because they find therapeutic benefits in hymen repair surgery after an assault or a relationship they regret.

How is Hymen Restoration Performed?

Hymen restoration is a relatively simple procedure which is performed using local anesthesia. First, the hymen is partially excised to remove any uneven tissue due to tearing. It is then sutured together using dissolvable stitches. Some patients may require tissue grafts from elsewhere in the vagina to the vaginal opening to recreate the hymen, depending on the extent of the damage. Hymen restoration can be completed in about 1-2 hours, and some patients can return to work in 1-2 days after surgery. Patients are instructed to gently wash external to the vaginal orifice four times a day and each time after using the restroom for the first week after surgery.

What is Hymen Restoration Recovery Like?

After your Beverly Hills Hymenoplasty, some swelling and spot bleeding is expected immediately after the procedure. Some patients feel well enough to return to work, school, or their normal routine immediately after hymenoplasty, but others require about 1-4 days of downtime to rest and recover. Exercise can be resumed about two weeks after the surgery, but patients should start slowly and see how they feel before undergoing more strenuous forms of exercise. Tampon use or penetrative sex should be avoided for at least six weeks following hymen restoration surgery.

What Procedures Can I Combine with Hymen Restoration?

Some hymen repair surgery patients choose to pair the procedure with vaginal rejuvenation. Also known as vaginoplasty, this surgical procedure addresses lax muscles and damaged tissues in the vagina. This can be performed to reduce pain or discomfort experienced during sexual intercourse. To complete the procedure, Dr. Ourian removes excess skin and tissue and tightens the muscles and tissues using dissolvable sutures.

Labiaplasty is also available for hymen restoration patients. A labiaplasty involves reshaping the labia minora, typically with the purpose of reducing the overall size to enhance the patient’s comfort and confidence.

How Much Does A Hymenoplasty in Los Angeles Cost?

The final cost of a Hymenoplasty in Beverly Hills will vary depending on factors such as the type of anesthesia used or the geographic location where your surgery was performed. Thus, the cost of hymen repair surgery in Los Angeles can vary considerably. Dr. Ourian’s patient concierge will give you a more specific cost estimate for your procedure after a thorough consultation.
