

Who is a Good Candidate for Labiaplasty?

Women who experience pain or discomfort related to excessive tissue of the labia minora are usually good candidates for our Beverly Hills labiaplasty. For example, patients who experience pain or discomfort while riding a bike or during intercourse due to their labia can often benefit from the procedure. Often, this is the result of damage to the labia minora during childbirth, but longer labia can also be genetic. Other patients may choose the procedure simply because they feel self-conscious about the appearance of their labia minora. A labiaplasty will ultimately result in more symmetrical labia and results can be tailored to meet the patient’s aesthetic preferences.

Other women may feel that their labia majora has loss of tone and volume. This can be a problem of having too much skin and/or having too little volume in the labia majora. These women are good candidates for an augmentation labiaplasty.

Finally, before having a labiaplasty, you should be generally healthy overall. Dr. Ourian will evaluate your health, symptoms, and concerns to determine whether you are a good candidate for labiaplasty during a thorough consultation.


What is Labiaplasty Recovery Like?

Labiaplasty patients should have a trusted friend or family member to drive them home after the procedure. Swelling and some discomfort are expected after a labiaplasty, and most patients require between 3 to 5 days of downtime after the surgery before they are ready to return to work or other normal routines. Ice packs can be used to help reduce swelling and discomfort. Patients should avoid rigorous exercise (such as bike riding, pilates and yoga) as well as sex for at least 4 to 6 weeks after their labiaplasty. In addition, you should avoid lifting heavy objects or submerging the treatment area in water during this time.

Although most swelling subsides after 4 to 6 weeks, it can sometimes persist for longer. Dr. Ourian will give you detailed instructions for your recovery period and monitor your healing through follow-up visits after your surgery.

According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, recent studies indicate that labiaplasty has a very high degree of patient satisfaction and success.


How Much Does Labiaplasty in Los Angeles Cost?

The final cost of labiaplasty in Los Angeles will vary depending on the extent of your surgery, the techniques or type of anesthesia used, the city where you have the procedure, and other factors. Dr. Ourian’s team will give you a more specific cost estimate for your Beverly Hills labiaplasty after your consultation.
