

Who is a Good Candidate for a Liposuction?

Before you choose to undergo liposuction in Beverly Hills, you should understand that this is not a weight-loss procedure. While liposuction permanently removes fat cells, it is not suitable for those who should lose a significant amount of weight for their health. Therefore, good candidates this procedure are at a stable weight and within 30% of their ideal, healthy weight. You should also have firm and elastic skin so that you are not left with excess loose skin after the procedure. Otherwise, good candidates should be generally healthy and, ideally, nonsmokers.


How is Liposuction Performed?

Dr. Ourian’s Beverly Hills Liposuction procedure may be performed under local or general anesthesia, depending on the extent of the surgery. To perform liposuction, Dr. Ourian will first make a small 5 millimeter incision or series of incisions at the treatment area. A cannula, or a thin, hollow tube, is then inserted into the incision. The cannula will first be used to manually loosen the excess fat using a controlled motion using a saline solution called tumescent. Finally, the fat will be removed using suction and the incisions will be closed using sutures. 

Liposuction can be performed to remove fat in virtually any area of the body. The most commonly treated areas are:

  • Neck and under the chin
  • Abdomen or stomach liposuction 
  • Back, commonly called the “bra roll” or “back rolls”
  • Flanks, commonly called “love handles”
  • Waist
  • Hips
  • Inner thighs
  • Out thighs
  • Knees

What is Liposuction Recovery Like?

After your procedure, you can expect swelling, mild bruising, and some soreness. You will be be required to wear compression garments to help control swelling and preserve your new shape during the healing process. Dr. Ourian will advise how long you should continue wearing these garments. Because of swelling, your final results will not be visible immediately after the procedure. You can expect swelling to subside, revealing your final results, at about 6 months after the procedure.

After liposuction, most patients can return to work or other day-to-day activities within 1 week, depending on whether or not their jobs are physically demanding. More strenuous activities, like exercise, can typically be resumed after about three or four weeks.


How Much Does Liposuction cost in Los Angeles?

The cost of liposuction in Los Angeles depends on the number of areas you are choosing to treat, the amount of fat that is being removed, the expertise of the surgeon performing your procedure, and the geographical area in which the procedure is being performed. Thus, the cost of liposuction in Beverly Hills can range considerably. Dr. Ourian’s patient concierge will be able to give you a more specific estimate for the cost of your procedure during your thorough consultation.
