Brazilian Butt Lift


Who is a Good Candidate for BBL?

The ideal Los Angeles Brazilian Butt Lift candidate has unwanted areas of fat, typically in the midsection, love handles, bra line and thighs, and wishes to have a fuller, more projected and rounder buttock area. Candidates may have lost a curvier shape due to aging or weight fluctuations or would prefer to change their natural body contour for cosmetic reasons. Before undergoing the surgery, Dr. Ourian will determine whether you have adequate fat storage in unwanted areas of your body to complete the procedure; some patients are simply too lean to be candidates for BBL and are better suited for other treatments.

How is a Brazilian Buttock Lift Performed?

Our signature Beverly Hills Brazilian Butt Lift is performed under general anesthesia and using a combination of liposuction and fat transfer techniques. A thin cannula is inserted into the areas where the patient wishes to remove fat through small 5 millimeter incisions, producing nearly invisible scars. The fat is then manually manipulated and suctioned out using the cannula. 

After harvesting this tissue, fat is purified and prepared for injection. When this is complete, Dr. Ourian will make several small, hidden incisions in the buttock area before carefully injecting the purified fat, sculpting an aesthetically pleasing shape that remains proportionate and in balance with the rest of your body to ensure the results look natural. Once this process is complete, the liposuction and fat transfer incisions will be sutured.


What is BBL Recovery Like?

After your procedure, you can expect swelling in the treatment area and some discomfort which can be treated with pain medication. Bruising is also common. You will likely have compression garments to alleviate swelling and ensure proper healing.

Through the special techniques Dr. Ourian employs during your surgery, it has been his protocol is to allow patients to immediately, but gently, sit on their buttocks after a BBL.  During the recovery process, it is important for you walk around several times a day.  Most patients are able to return to work or other normal activities within a week to 10 days after their procedure, though many find they feel rested after only a few days. Light exercise, such as brisk walking, can be resumed at about a month after surgery. More vigorous activities, especially those that cause bouncing such as running or dancing, should be reserved for four weeks after the procedure. Dr. Ourian will monitor your healing in post-operative appointments and advise when you can return to certain activity levels.

BBL Los Angeles | Brazilian Butt Lift Beverly Hills

What is the cost of a Brazilian Butt Lift in Beverly Hills ?

The cost of a BBL in Los Angeles can vary depending on geographic location, the doctor’s expertise, and how much liposuction needs to be done at the time of surgery. The cost of BBL in Beverly Hills can thus range. The final cost for your surgery will increase if you choose to combine BBL with other procedures. Call Ourian Plastic Surgery today to schedule your complimentary consultation with top plastic surgeon Dr. Ourian, who has earned a reputation as providing some of the best Brazilian butt augmentation Los Angeles & Beverly Hills have to offer.
