Facial Fat Transfer


Who is a Good Candidate for Facial Fat Grafting?

Patients who face volume loss in areas of the face such as the cheeks and have adequate fat in “donor areas” such as the thighs, hips, abdomen, or thighs are typically good candidates for facial fat grafting. It is also a good option for those who are interested in dermal fillers but have concerns about allergies or other negative reactions to foreign substances. Because facial fat grafting is a minor surgery, you must be adequately healthy for the procedure.

How is Beverly Hills Facial Fat Grafting Performed?

Before fat can be added to the face, it must first be removed from a donor area elsewhere in the body. Your Beverly Hills facial fat transfer surgery by performing liposuction to extract fat. Usually, fat is taken from areas such as the hips, abdomen, thighs, or buttocks. This fat is then prepared for injection. Once prepared, fat is then injected into the areas of the face the patient wishes to treat, such as the cheeks, lips, or undereyes. After facial fat grafting, only about 50% of the injected fat will establish a proper blood supply and survive. For this reason, more fat than is necessary to achieve the intended results is injected. However, because this is somewhat unpredictable, a patient may need to have multiple sessions of fat grafting to achieve their ideal results.

Dr. Ourian’s Beverly Hills facial fat grafting procedure may be performed under general or local anesthesia. The procedure takes about 45 minutes to complete, on average. 

What is Facial Fat Grafting Recovery Like?

After facial fat grafting, you can expect some swelling, bruising, and mild discomfort in both your face and the donor site. Ice packs can be used to alleviate this swelling. You should ideally keep your head elevated to help reduce swelling as much as possible.

Most patients require at least two days of downtime to rest and heal. After, you can return to work, school, or your regular routine. Some bruising or soreness might persist for about a week to ten days.

Final results from of your fat transfer surgery are usually seen about three months after the procedure. At this point, the fat that remains has established a proper blood supply and is permanent.

What Procedures Can I Combine with Facial Fat Grafting?

Because liposuction is necessary to complete facial fat grafting, it’s common for patients to combine the procedure for more areas than they would address to achieve the fat grafting alone. For example, if your thighs are acting as the donor site for your facial fat grafting procedure, it’s also an option to have additional liposuction performed to contour the hips or abdomen during the surgery.

Facial fat grafting can also be performed alongside other procedures that address signs of aging. For example, you may have wrinkles or fine lines that are the result of repeated facial expressions. This can be treated using Botox. A facelift or blepharoplasty can also be paired with facial fat grafting to address sagging skin and wrinkles in the lower part of the face or the eyelids. In this way, patients can achieve a more complete rejuvenation.

How Much Does Facial Fat Grafting in Beverly Hills Cost?

The cost of facial fat transfer in Los Angeles procedure will vary depending on the extent of your procedure, the type of anesthesia used, and other factors. Dr. Ourian’s patient concierge will give you a more specific cost estimate for your facial fat grafting procedure after a consultation appointment.
