PRP Treatment For Hair Loss


Who is a Candidate for PRP for Hair Loss?

Patients who have thinning hair or some bald patches may be candidates for Dr. Ourian’s signature PRP for hair growth Los Angeles procedure, also called stem cell hair loss treatment.  This will depend on the extent of hair loss. PRP is best for patients who are in the early stages of hair loss. Before choosing the treatment, it’s important that some hair follicles in the treatment area are still functioning. Dr. Ourian will examine the treatment area during a consultation to determine whether you are a good candidate for PRP for hair loss. Patients will also be advised to avoid blood-thinning medications and smoking before Beverly Hills PRP treatment.

How is the PRP for Hair Loss Procedure Performed?

The first step in PRP for hair restoration is drawing your blood, typically from the arm, which is then prepared in a centrifuge resulting in PRP. This process takes about ten minutes on average.

Once prepared, the PRP is injected into the scalp in areas of thinning or balding. This is intended to stimulate new, natural hair growth and increase growth factors to the area to encourage continued growth, as well as to prevent further hair loss.

Most patients require at least three sessions of PRP hair loss treatment to reach their ideal results. However, some patients may require additional treatments after these initial three sessions. Dr. Ourian will explain the best treatment plan for your hair loss after a thorough and complimentary consultation.

How Much Does PRP for Hair Loss Cost in Los Angeles?

The cost of PRP hair loss therapy in Beverly Hills varies depending on factors such as the number of treatment sessions you require and supplementary treatments or materials necessary. Dr. Ourian will explain your recommended treatment plan and a more accurate cost after your complimentary consultation at Ourian Plastic Surgery.