Abdominal Etching


Who is a Good Candidate for Abdominal Etching?

Patients who are at a healthy and stable weight and are in good health overall typically make good candidates for abdominal etching. The procedure is best suited to patients who are committed to following a balanced diet and exercise routine, but are seeking extra definition for their abdominal muscles. In addition, some patients who have already undergone liposuction or a tummy tuck may be candidates for abdominal etching to further define their abdominal area. Dr. Ourian will review your goals, general health, and the treatment area during a thorough consultation appointment to determine whether you are a good candidate for abdominal etching.


What Procedures Can I Combine with Abdominal Etching?

Dr. Ourian’s Beverly Hills abdominal etching is sometimes paired with or performed after a tummy tuck. A tummy tuck is designed to reduce loose skin and tighten the abdominal muscles for a toned and slimmer appearance, and is often chosen by patients who have lost a significant amount of weight or been pregnant.

Other patients may wish to pair abdominal etching with liposuction for other areas of the body. Liposuction is useful for removing stubborn areas of fat from many places throughout the body. Some of the most common areas include the back, hips, flanks, thighs, upper arms, or below the chin.

Abdominal etching may also be paired with a Brazilian butt lift, or BBL for men. A Brazilian butt lift is a fat grafting procedure which removes fat from the abdominal area, sides, back, and hips using liposuction. This fat is then transferred to the buttocks to create a lifted, rounder, and athletic appearance.


How Much Does Abdominal Etching in Beverly Hills Cost?

The final cost of your abdominal etching procedure depends on factors like the extent of your procedure and the type of anesthesia used.  Dr. Ourian’s patient concierge will give you a more specific cost estimate of your abdominal etching procedure following your consultation appointment.
