Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation


Who is a Good Candidate for Breast Augmentation with Fat Transfer?

The ideal candidate for a natural breast augmentation in Los Angeles wishes to subtly increase the size of the breasts or balance asymmetrical breasts while ensuring a natural-appearing result. They should have a sufficient amount of fat in other areas of the body and may even choose the surgery because they wish to reduce these areas in addition to altering the breasts. Patients who are very lean may not be appropriate candidates for the procedure.

In addition, it is important that you are generally healthy overall before undergoing the procedure, which includes being at a healthy and stable weight. In order to ensure proper healing, it’s best that you are also a nonsmoker. Dr. Ourian will determine whether you are a suitable candidate for breast augmentation with fat transfer after a thorough consultation.

How is a Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation Performed?

The first step to in performing a Los Angeles fat transfer breast augmentation is to remove unwanted fat cells from the donor area, which is most commonly the abdomen, inner or outer thighs, back, love handles or bra rolls. This is achieved using liposuction techniques by inserting a cannula into the area through small five-millimeter incisions. Once sufficient fat has been removed, the incisions are closed and the fat is processed and prepared for transfer. Fat is transferring into the breasts by injections, which is artistically sculpted and positioned by Dr. Ourian to create aesthetically pleasing and natural-looking contoured breasts. 

What is Breast Augmentation with Fat Transfer Recovery Like?

After your Beverly Hills fat transfer breast augmentation procedure, you can expect some bruising and swelling in both the injection sites and donor areas. One of the benefits of choosing natural breast augmentation is that the recovery period tends to be shorter than a traditional breast augmentation. Most patients feel well enough to return to most day-to-day activities as soon as three days after the procedure, but most choose to take about a week off from work to rest and recover. Some swelling and soreness may persist for several weeks after the procedure, however, and you should refrain from more strenuous activity like exercise routines until Dr. Ourian has determined that you have sufficiently healed during a postoperative appointment.


How Much Does a Natural Breast Augmentation in Beverly Hills Cost?

The cost of a fat transfer breast augmentation in Los Angeles and Beverly Hills will vary depending on the extent of the procedure, the geographic location where you choose to have your procedure done, the expertise of your surgeon, and other factors. Thus, the cost of Natural breast augmentation in Los Angeles can vary considerably. Dr. Ourian’s patient concierge will give you a more specific cost for your natural breast augmentation during your consultation.
