Breast Reduction


Who is a Good Candidate for a Breast Reduction?

Some patients may choose a Los Angeles breast reduction for purely cosmetic reasons, as they are unhappy with the appearance of their large breasts. However, many others are candidates because they experience physical discomfort as a result of having excessively large breasts, which is referred to medically as “macromastia.” You may be a candidate for breast reduction surgery if you experience any of the following:

  • Back, neck, or shoulder pain caused by the weight of large pendulous breasts
  • Skin irritation or chafing below the breast crease
  • Indentations or discomfort from bra straps
  • Difficulty or limitations performing physical activity, including exercising
  • Self-consciousness, emotional distress, or other negative feelings about the appearance of your large breasts

While a breast reduction can help alleviate these problems, it is also important to ensure you are generally healthy overall before undergoing the surgery. You should also be at a stable weight before choosing breast reduction. Dr. Ourian will review your health history and determine whether you are a candidate for breast reduction surgery during a thorough consultation.



What Procedures Can I Combine with Breast Reduction?

It is not uncommon for patients to combine their Beverly Hills breast reduction with other body contouring procedures.

In some cases, patients may choose a breast reduction as part of their mommy makeover. A mommy makeover is a highly customizable treatment which combines two or more procedures to address the changes that occur in the body as a result of pregnancy and breastfeeding. Commonly, these may include a tummy tuck, liposuction, or labiaplasty, among other procedures.

Some breast reduction patients may also choose to combine the procedure with liposuction to ensure a balanced silhouette. Many patients undergoing breast reduction have liposuction of the excess fat in under the arm pits at the same time.  Additionally, liposuction may be used to remove fat from areas such as the thighs, abdomen, back, or arms to create a more toned appearance.

How Much Does a Breast Reduction in Beverly Hills Cost?

The cost of a breast reduction in Los Angeles will vary depending on factors including the extent of your surgery and the expertise of your surgeon. In addition, geographic location affects the cost of a breast reduction.

However, breast reduction surgery may be covered, fully or partially, by your health insurance. This depends on your insurance provider. Typically, you must demonstrate that a breast reduction was medically necessary because of symptoms associated with your large breasts, such as neck and back pain, or skin irritation under the breast crease.
