Pediatric Laceration

When to See a Plastic Surgeon for Pediatric Laceration Repair

If your child is injured and is bleeding, the first step is to examine the wound and check whether they have a scratch (abrasion) or a cut that may require stitches. Lacerations that require stitches have a significant separation in the skin. If you can see fatty tissue, your child will require stitches and you should seek medical attention as soon as possible. Other signs that your child will require stitches include:

  • Persistent bleeding after applying pressure for 10-15 minutes
  • Laceration exceeds 1/8 – ¼ inch deep
  • Dirt or other debris are visible in the laceration after cleaning
  • The laceration is on a cosmetically sensitive area, such as the face
  • The injury is in a high-stress area, such as the joints, hands, feet, or chest
  • Extreme swelling

A plastic surgeon has specific expertise in closing a wound with the best possible cosmetic result. This is especially important if the laceration is jagged or uneven or if some of the skin is missing. Many parents prefer to see a plastic surgeon to treat lacerations so their children don’t have to worry about a scar as they grow up. In the event of an emergency, parents should bring their child to an emergency room to seek treatment. If their child is in a stable condition, they can call Dr. Ourian directly to perform their child’s laceration repair. 

How is Beverly Hills Pediatric Laceration Repair Performed?

To complete a pediatric laceration repair, Dr. Ourian will typically use sutures to connect the tissues in layers to give the best possible outcome with minimal scarring. In most cases, local anesthesia is used to keep the patient comfortable throughout the procedure. Deep lacerations are generally treated using several layers of dsutures. Minor lacerations can often be treated using skin adhesives or Steri strips rather than sutures. In some areas, such as the scalp, staples are sometimes the best option to treat an injury. Excess or damaged tissue is removed to prevent infection. After the stitches are in place, Dr. Ourian will apply antibiotic ointment as necessary and cover the area with a light dressing.

What is Pediatric Laceration Repair Recovery Like?

After a pediatric laceration repair, children are sometimes prescribed antibiotics to lower the chance of infection. Non-dissolvable sutures can be removed 1 week after the procedure. Sutures in areas such as the hands, or a joint may require up to 2-3 weeks before they can be removed.

As the laceration heals, it’s important to prevent children from scratching, picking, or touching the wound or stitches to allow for proper healing. Parents should also refrain from touching the area or removing any materials themselves, aside from dressings as directed by Dr. Ourian.

After pediatric laceration repair, wounds generally heal in about two weeks. Some discomfort, swelling, and redness are normal during this period. Dr. Ourian will give you specific instructions regarding any medications, ointments, or other care you should follow until your next appointment. The scar will continue to improve and mature over the course of one year.

How Much Does Pediatric Laceration Repair in Beverly Hills Cost?

The cost of a pediatric laceration repair in Los Angeles varies depending on the severity of the laceration and the complexity of the repair, among other factors. Dr. Ourian’s team can give you a more accurate cost estimate after evaluating the injury.

What Pediatric Procedures Does Dr. Ourian Offer?

In addition to pediatric laceration repair, Dr. Ourian treats children through, otoplasty, or “ear pinning.” This is a relatively simple procedure in which the size or projection of the ears is revised for a more flattering and balanced appearance. Because the ears are finished developing early in childhood, otoplasty can be performed at about five or six years old.
